if you made me today / would i live behind a paywall / or be open source / would i constantly be upgraded / would my features change with makeup trends / boudoir mod grunge / would you make me exclusive skins / limited editions / mass produced / would i be one of a series / would i be an installation / would other artists make me a template / deconstruct me / graffiti my likeness / overhaul me/ streamline me / reboot me for a new era / make me feel more current / would a program sing with my voice / would i be a symbol / what i’m trying to ask / is / would there be anything left of me at all

Mykki Rios is a queer genderfluid Mexican-American poet, performer and multimedia artist. Raised in Chicago, and having lived many places across the globe, they finally returned home to the Windy City. Mykki has had works featured in issues of Welter, Meat For Tea: The Valley Review, Random Sample Review, Smoke and Mold Journal, The Normal School, The Coachella Review, Fourth River Journal, Synkroniciti Magazine, and more. They were also a finalist in Lupercalia Press’ 2022 Chapbook Series Contest.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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