Welcome to the first issue of Apparition Lit! Our theme this quarter was ‘Apparition’, which can mean a ghostly presence, the act of becoming visible, or the appearance of something strange or unexpected.
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The contributors for this issue, took the idea of ‘Apparition’ and add their own personal twist. There’s everything from soldiers lost in the desert, to a dystopian contest, to a widower on a far-off planet. All stories and poems in this issue are wonderfully written and we hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
Special thanks to our talented writers:
Anna Salonen
Cat Rambo
Garrett Davis
Jennifer Hudak
May Chong
Shannon Connor Winward
Tara M. Williams
& our own Clarke Doty
And also, thank you to our subscribers and donators for all your support!
Happy reading!
The Apparition Lit Team
Tacoma Tomilson
Rebecca Bennett
Amy Henry Robinson
Clarke Doty