
The world sparkles at the edges,

blurs in a slurry.


There is no garbage,

no crumbling boardwalk.


Instead, there are wonders

crossing every sidewalk’s crack-

if you bend down to see:


a dragon in a boy’s palm,

a woman made of glass,

pink stars on the horizon.


The land is as dizzy as children

spinning to feel the illusion of it


Blink, if you wish,

this will not disappear

with ease.

Lynne Sargent is a writer, aerialist, and philosopher from Hamilton, She is a 2018 Rhysling Award Nominee and a 2018 Aurora Award Nominee. You can find more of her work existent or forthcoming from publications like Strange Horizons, Polar Borealis, and Wild Musette, and reach out to her on Twitter @SamLynneS

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